Natalia Haas
Doug Winter, a professional photographer, comes to Loaves & Fishes once a month to take beautiful portraits of our guests. When he has time, he likes to interview the subjects of his photographs to capture the story behind their eyes.
Natalia Haas is homeless and recovering from brain surgery. Natalia’s entire stay in the hospital was 4-5 days for brain surgery and recovery. With pain meds in hand, hundreds of stitches still fresh above her right eye, marking the spot where her brain tumor was removed, Natalia and her husband left the hospital and set out to find shelter. They located a “safe place” under a bridge which provides both a barrier from the elements and protection from others who might be tempted to steal her valuable painkiller medication.
Hospitals do not extend recovery for homeless patients like Natalia or transfer them to other respite or care facilities. More often than not, homeless patients are discharged to the street to recover from surgery, cancer treatment, and other serious health conditions.
Very inspired by her story.Have she and her husband
been able to acquire stable housing?
Our church is sponsoring a series of workshops and the second one is Friday April 6. @ 12 noon. Is it possible to have Natalia come to speak to us regarding her plight of homelessness and bring a representative with her from Loaves and Fishes?
Hello Natalia,
I just want you to know that I know some of what you are going through, I too am a brain tumor survivor. Although I am not homeless, I
know what it feels like to recover from surgery. Please know that I will be praying for you, and once again I will be donating to Loaves and Fishes so that people like you will have a safe place to come to. Everyday I think of Loaves and Fishes, and the wonderful people who make it an important part of their lives to help others who are in need. I would love to donate more of my time, but I work during the hours of Loaves and Fishes services. I will donate money today. Bless you, and your family, as well as everyone at Loaves and Fishes. I will never forget you. Please take good care, and heal. You are not alone!