A Lifetime of Volunteer Work with Loose Change 

Q: What is Loose Change?

“We’re a group of misfits.” – Rich Beck

Loose Change is an established Dining Room volunteer group that came together in the very beginnings of Loaves & Fishes, earning its status as a Loaves & Fishes Legacy Group. Rich and Joanne Beck moved from Upstate New York to Sacramento, CA. in the early ‘70’s. The couple came upon Loaves & Fishes more than 38 years ago, when they donated to the organization for the first time. Rich was mesmerized by what he saw on his first visit to Loaves & Fishes. “It was a madhouse,” said Rich, “There was a chaotic but strategic commotion at the Loaves & Fishes Dining Room.” The couple joined a volunteer group soon thereafter, called Loose Change.

In a historical Loaves & Fishes moment, the Beck’s with Loose Change are pictured in the 2,000,000th meal photo that is on the wall near the dining room’s entrance. 

Meeting Rich felt like meeting a proud parent. He took in so much joy introducing every volunteer and showing off how their legendary 40+ year old soup is made. “Back in those days, alongside [Loaves & Fishes founders] Chris & Dan Delany, we would collect our ‘loose change’ in a hat we’d pass around, and with that we’d buy ingredients for the stew. The soup would be made from scratch at the first Loaves & Fishes kitchen and then transported in a station wagon to feed the hungry who were already waiting in line for their meal,” says Beck. 

Today Loose Change is a multi-generational effort of volunteerism.

Lucille who is 84 years old is also one of the original members, “When I came here, it was so exciting. And I was super happy to be here. And now I’m 84, still going strong!,” says Lucille.  She often volunteers with her son Miles, who has been running around the Loaves kitchen since he was a boy, with his mom. “I remember when I was a kid and just helping out and feeding people knowing that you’re doing something positive. That’s nice,” says Miles.  

Mother & Son; dedicated Dining Room volunteers.

Although Beck jokes about the chaos in the kitchen, everything ran smoothly like a well-oiled machine with all volunteers knowing exactly what to do. Today, Rich Beck, at 79 leads the Loose Change group and prepares beef stew every 2nd Saturday. He takes the time to educate young volunteers who occasionally join Loose Change and hopes to keep them motivated and passionate about creating positive change in their community. 

Would you like to join us in our Dining Room?  Contact our volunteer coordinator Cyndy Pressley at volunteers@sacloaves.org to help get you started. 

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