Posts Tagged ‘Maryhouse’
Reba: a survivor, chocked-full of motherly wisdom
Many Maryhouse guests go to Reba when they are in need of someone to talk to. “They call me Mama Reba,” Reba said. “They come to me to talk and I listen. If they ask for advice, I give suggestions. I’m very spiritual. I have the spirit of God in me and I take that…
Read MoreMaryhouse's Mother's Day Celebration
On May 20th. Maryhouse celebrated mother’s day. The hospitality shelter’s Mother’s Day brunch was hosted by the National Charity League, a national philanthropic organization which aims to cultivate mother-daughter relationships through community service, leadership development and cultural experiences. The celebration which took place in the garden behind Maryhouse was especially sweet for the guests of…
Read MoreChristmas Brunch at Maryhouse
Every Christmas season, Loaves & Fishes hosts activities to celebrate our guests, many of whom have nowhere to go for the holidays. We believe that everyone deserves to celebrate during this time, and do our best to help make the holiday season a bit brighter for our guests. With the help of generous individuals and…
Read MoreSee Maryhouse First Hand – Watch the video
Homeless women, children, and families find respite during the day at our Maryhouse program. With your help we can provide a safe and welcoming place for some of the most vulnerable members of our community.
Read More"Look, he's trying to feed the baby."
The moment that I walk into Maryhouse, I can tell that it’s been a lively morning. Not that it I’m surprised; there is never a dull morning at Maryhouse. Both lobbies– downstairs and upstairs–are full of women, some waiting for showers, some waiting to talk to a Maryhouse staff member, and others simply relaxing, enjoying a…
Read MoreWith these experiences I have felt every emotion possible.
Cyndi, Former Maryhouse Director [2011 – 2016] Today is my last day at Maryhouse. I first came here in 2008 as a volunteer and then had the honor of serving as Director the last 5 years. I didn’t know much about Maryhouse or Loaves and Fishes when I first came, but I knew I was…
Read More"Well, I like drinking coffee here…"
“Katt we’re capturing stories about North C Street, is there a story you would like to share?” She adjusted her cross-legged position & took a long drag of her cigarette, “No, I mean where do you even begin? Too many stories. Too many years. Too much.” “Well, what about your favorite part about Maryhouse?…
Read MoreHarnessing Hope
“Okay ladies! Here we go, it’s that time.” “Ohhhhh maaaaaaaan! Again? Alright, alright.” Ladies who’ve made themselves at home on benches throughout our back patio space get up slowly, the way my grandmother did, grunting and groggy from relaxation. Their arms bend slower than usual, they are weary from the life that ages them,…
Read MoreMaryhouse Welcomes, Kaylee!
I received the warmest welcome on my first day at Maryhouseand Loaves & Fishes. The entire tour of the campus (more like a university) took an entire hour! I learned so many names and received so many smiles! Some staff, not all from Maryhouse, even knew a bit about me, like my previous job was…
Read More"mail check please"
On most days at Maryhouse, my daily tasks consist of your usual front desk activities – answering phone calls, welcoming and informing new guests of the services we provide, maintaining the front lobby, and what most people would find to be tedious work – filing mail for approximately 600 women (correct me if that…
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